Wishing all our friends & customers a healthy & prosperous 2024 ! thanking you for all your support & business in 2023 . reopening January 2nd for all your motoring needs Regards Donal
Wishing all our friends & customers a healthy & prosperous 2024 ! thanking you for all your support & business in 2023 . reopening January 2nd for all your motoring needs Regards Donal
So common on many VWs & Skodas ……radio screen fails to respond to touch function or fails completely . these unints are 2k plus to replace !! We at KC systems can now offer a repair solution for 90% of…
Tired of continious Ad Blue refill messages ? Does your Vehicle display an Ad Blue fault message ? Do you have Nox sensors / Ad Blue pump / tank / nozzle faults ? If youve answered yes to any of…
At last we can now offer a repair solution for this common fault in Renault Clio / Traffic 3 & Opel Vivaro where the mileage LCD fades & eventually disappears . This fault is a NCT / DOE test failure…
wishing all our customers a merry christmas & prosperous new year . CLOSED for holidays 23 DEC – 04 JAN . thank you for your continued support throughout 2021 .
is your radio / media unit display faulty ? distorted images ? sticking on selected items ? slow or unresponsive to touch ? scanning through stations & dialling phone numbers by itself ? if so …we can help call us…
Do you have problems with your AD BLUE system ? faulty pump ? faulty control unit ? NOX sensor faults call us today for advice & solutions
Wishing all family , friends & customers a safe , healthy & prosperous 2021 . Reopening Monday 4th Jan for all your remapping / recoding & repairing needs . Please adhere to social distancing & hand sanitise when entering .…
Start/Stop technology has been around for some time now, some people love it, others dislike it. For those of you that dislike it, we can offer a start-stop disable service, by changing the coding inside the ECU we can fully…
Fed up with your old radio system ? if so , we can upgrade your current unit tp the latest touchscreen bluetooth technology . various options available to suit most budgets . Radio / cd / USB / AUX IN…